The Day When My Attempt to Understand My Sista’s Wedding Marks a Success.

Yeah, after a tiring day yesterday, today i finally smiled. Not because I finally done any guilty-pleasure-act or something. But, after I let all the bad steam flew. After I really forgot every single things that appears to be the source of all tears :p. 

Home from a fun session of choir rehearsal at school, my head is full with questions on what should I bring for “orang-orang rumah” today. I remembered Kak Asih, one who came faraway from Bekasi just to help out the house with chores and housework while the house people (hehe) are out and busy preparing the wedding. Once upon a time (hahah), she told Ompung, “Pung, disini sepi yah. Kalo di sono kan jam segini biasanya deket rumah udah ada jajanan.”
And ompung told me so (Kak Asih didn’t tell me herself). I felt guilty for her. Seinget aku disini jajanan berlimpah ;p. Then, finally, today, i remembered those words and on my way to buy some gorengan. Yeah, yeah.. which I’ve been so unaware kalo valuta perusahaan gorengan meroket MAHAL! Uh, moso’ Rp. 5.000 dapet 7 doang! I shudda fry them myself! Ah ya, tenang saja. Words doesn’t represent the whole emotion. Especially this one. I was too cool to think about yelling and sumpah-serapah *hehehe… and, when I’m home, It appeared that my sista’s already home. So, I offered her if she want some. Yeah, she told me she won’t eat anything fried with those fry-y fry-y oil for the sake of perfect face. She oathed! But nay, not even a minute when she finally fall for empek-empek. But sure, we save the other for ompung and Kak Asih. 

 God bless Empek-empek! When we’re eating those empek-empek that is when my sista told me that Kak Butet has dropped some comments on her wedding invitation. She gaved bad comments for the invitation and the photo inside. Yeah, she dropped words that, even Fashion People will considered dangerous. The F word! Freakily jelek :p hehe. Yeah, I don’t know how, but somehow, I could finally form a nice words.. *yaay! Wekekekkk ;p. I told her, “Yah, ada beberapa hal yang orang lain tahu, namun, lebih banyak lagi yang orang lain tidak tahu. Oke, kak butet punya pendapat tentang fotonya, undangannya. Oke, mungkin selera dia bagus. Oke, joy akin dia pasti niatnya baik, dia pasti mikir ini pernikahan mau dibuat keren. Tapi, dia ndak tau kalo kakak lebih pengen pernikahan ini dibiayai duit sendiri. Kakakku lebih mengutamakan keluarga menerima dia apa adanya. Karena bagi dia, affection is what proven to make couple survive. Not a dazzling party. Not a highly-exclusively-expensive-invitation card. Kakak cuman ndak mau ngerepotin bapak. Kakak sadar, bapak udah mau pensiun. Dan kakak juga mau ngurangin imej kalo bapak itu kaya. Kakak pengen semua sadar kalo semua ada waktunya.”
Yeah, God bless me! Seharusnya kata sepanjang itu aku pake pas lomba pidato ya, setidaknya ndak malu-maluin karena kata-kata yang patah-patah.
Dan itu kata-kata seharusnya ditujukan terlebih kepada saya. Yang lupa berkontemplasi. Lupa memegang tangan kakak diwaktu semua keluarga ndak mendukung dia.
I’m so sorry for that.
Really. So sorry. And I hope, sorry is a fertilizer for love.

2 komentar:

SIN mengatakan...

jo jo mkn melulu y 0_0' masi muda seh y apa aza dimakn =p yo, brarti jo hrs contoh kaka jo yg ga beratin ortu^^

Vendy mengatakan...

sometimes it's hard to say sorry